
I’m finding it more and more difficult to get up these mornings when it’s still dark at 6am.This morning my feet didn’t hit the floor until nearly 7am and I have to remind myself that only 2 months ago I was returning from an hour’s bike ride at that time.

Coffee this morning was in Bruntsfield where I got the last table available and then it was onward to Waitrose in Morningside. I don’t normally shop in these hallowed aisles, being more of a Sainsbury’s and M&S kinda gal. However it was interesting to mingle with yummy mummies and well heeled retirees instead of students in my local supermarket.

It was home the long way round ruminating as I walked on my own how I missed the company of my Merry Widows.
I saw these fungi (no connection in my mind with the Merry Widows !) as I reached the Dower House; it is unusual to find them intact. Fungi and slugs love these damp autumnal mornings.

It was a warm, still, overcast afternoon, and perfect for my friend and me to sit outside and catch up on our news. The Meadows and Links were busy with students some of whom could obviously not count, but the restriction of 6 people gathering from 2 households is never going to work unless it is policed and that is not going to happen any time soon despite what they say.

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