
By ayearinthelife

Pump It Up

The picture is not as irrelevant to the title as you might think. On my usual fortnightly visit to mum, she happened to mention that there was an annoying light on her car dashboard that had been there for a few days and wouldn’t go out.
Instantly diagnosed as the low tyre pressure warning light, a further look round the car soon identified that the nsf tyre was not quite as round as it should be. Being the dutiful son, I volunteered to go and get it reinflated.
Ever wish you’d kept your mouth shut? By the time I’d got to the second garage and found no air line (removed to prevent Covid transmission, according to the signs) I was beginning to regret volunteering.
Fortunately, the third garage I tried had a working air line, but the bad news was that it needed pound coins to operate it. I’ve not had any coins of any denomination for several months now. In fact the only cash I had with me was a £10 note that had been in my wallet since March - everyone wants contactless these days, so no opportunities to spend cash!
Nothing for it but to don a mask, go into the shop, buy the cheapest thing I could find (2 Cadbury’s Fudge bars for 50p), and hope for a pound coin in the change. In the event, a lack of five pound notes meant the change was all in pound coins!
Tyre duly pumped up and car returned to mum. I suspect there may be a slow puncture, given how low the pressure was before I inflated it. Told mum that if the light comes on again, she is not to wait for me to come round, but to go straight to the garage and get a new tyre fitted. As an incentive, I gave her both the Fudge bars as neither Mrs C or I are supposed to eat things like that!

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