Sunny Monday

Slept pretty well again......didnt wake until 5, but only briefly, next thing I knew it was after 8

As the forecast was for good weather we had already decided to head towards the coast, no prizes for guessing where we ended up ;-)

Hard to believe it was coats and the fire on a week or two ago, today it was shorts and tees, sunscreen and 25 degrees :-)) just lovely, amazing what a bit of sunshine can do for your mood :-)

Coffee and a bacon barm at the usual little tearoom beside the Pier, then walked "up and down" the Pier, took lots of shots, but this one taken from "up on the Pier, looking down onto the Skate Park" fits the "up & down" theme for todays Mono Monday challenge hosted by Suejay50. He hurtled down the ramp and up into the air, over the "shopping trolley obstacle" as if he'd done it a thousand times before :-) Blip done!

We got our 10k steps in before leaving around 3.15m then had another little pit stop en route home, at Taste Buds Cafe beside the Canal Wharf in Rufford.....the sun was still shining, so we sat outside with a drink.

Home just before 5, another hour sat outside reading, until the sun went behind the trees in our garden, not at all,chilly though, as it has been, but time to get on with dinner.

An easy one tonight, low fat sausages, batter already made up in the fridge, equals Toad in the hole, with peas and cabbage, and the left over beef gravy from yesterdays roast.

Just going to watch Tom Kerridges cookery programme, like to steal his low cal recipe ideas :-)

Making plans for another day trip tomorrow, not sure where yet though ;-)

Stay safe my friends

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