Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee


How cool are Llamas?!
I love the long slow stares that they give you, utterly contented and chewing away all the while, only very mildly interested....

These are quite new additions to Tomich Farm Shop just outside Beauly. I was so excited when I saw them the other day as we were passing that I almost caused mum to veer off the road!
It didn't take much persuasion to get her to take me back and blip them this morning, I mean how often do you see Alpacas in the Highlands? Well, the Highlands of Scotland anyway :o)

Until quite recently I still thought that Llamas had two heads. I was talking about them one day and it suddenly occured to me what I was actually saying and that it couldn't possibly be right.
You know how you see something as a small child and don't question it (I think Dr Doolittle has a lot to answer for in this case) and then never really think about it again until the words, "But, don't llamas have 2 heads? Where do you get the ones with 2 heads?" come out of your mouth and you realise that you are an idiot?!!

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