Work, work, work...

It's been a day of.... work.... 

I had to clear a backlog of day job work before the masters lectures started, so was at the desk for 5am to do that for a couple of hours, before a day in front of zoom again from 8.30 - 5.30.  

All very interesting, this morning was all about organisational behavior and how teams work together (with lots of discussions within our learning teams about how we will work together). The theoretical marketing this afternoon - one that seems to fry our collective brains.  

Interesting how the student cohort are all gelling, which is quite something given we are all just faces on screens! 

Work to do for tomorrow, I didn't think it would be much, and in a way it isn't, but we have to come up with a analogy, similie and metaphor for the House of Commons.  I'm off for a bath and bed because I can't think of anything at all - one to mull over I think and desperately hope some inspiration comes at some point! 

Boys are still shattered, the youngest didn't go to sleep until 9pm this evening, despite being exhausted.  I think we are in for another quiet weekend to recharge batteries.... 

Today I'm grateful for:
Getting to know the fellow masters students a little better
The teachers being very good when the youngest clung to me with all his strength this morning (he's darn strong!) 
Discovering the importance of a good supply of carrot sticks to have on hand during the long zoom sessions

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