Autumn morning mist

The mist lifted and left us with another glorious sunny day.

My foot looks very bruised today - I wore sandals yesterday that seemed comfy at the time so today I have hobbled about wearing Birkenstocks with toe posts so that nothing is pressing on the joint. Really fed up with it.

People are so cross about the new rules. #3 daughter says the fact that grandparents or other helpers can’t look after children is making things very difficult. (Paid people can do it so if you are wealthy enough to hire a nanny, you can work, but if you rely on a family member you can’t).

The weather doesn’t look hopeful next week but we’ll still be going away. Nothing booked yet. Colin “just happened to be passing’ when Mr C was putting stuff in the van so he had a look. He was impressed and pleased for us. Everything seems to be working so far!

I hope you are all coping and that you remain out of this partial lockdown as long as possible. I think they should just shut the pubs. I know the economy has to function but it seems to me it’s far more likely the virus spreads there and not in my garden,

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