
By LifeLines

Awaiting production

Thank you for your concern, advice and good wishes for Merlin - they are all much appreciated.  He had a bit of a downturn later yesterday evening so Andy ended up camping out on the kitchen floor so as to give Merlin quick access to the garden.  Eventually the dog and he got some sleep, and very thankfully Merlin has been much brighter today.  He has even managed some small portions of what we call his 'special digestible food'!  We are now wondering whether he caught some kind of doggie bug.  We'll probably never know but we won't give him the tablets for his skin allergy again as they have definitely caused him problems previously.

And so my first week back at work draws to a close and I have to say I am very pleased to get to the weekend.  All week I have been making trips to the allotment before work or at lunchtime and I now have a lot of courgettes and tomatoes waiting to be turned into chutney.  You can guess what I will be doing tomorrow.....!

Wishing you all a lovely evening and looking forward to catching up with your blips later.

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