Photos from A Field

By RandallFriesen

The quality of stillness

Tonight I abandoned Lauralea in her quest to beat her mom at canasta, and I headed out for a short walk. Mostly it was too cool off a bit, what is it with older people and heat?? :)

The prairie town is quiet tonight, as it is most nights I suspect. But there is a quality to it tonight. The air is cool and unmoving. Actually nothing is moving out there. It’s only 7:30 pm yet no one is out there. I walked down the center of the streets and saw only one moving car.

I like this quality of stillness. I would like to live in it some day. To walk in it, breathe in it, engage in life in it. There are certainly less and less chances to do that and I feel that but maybe, one day, we will.

But that’s for later. For now our spirits continue to be restored. The quality of stillness in this town will help a good deal.


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