
By JohnHeuston1

Read the newspaper, smell the coffee

Last Wednesday the Aberdeenshire 'Press and Journal' became the first Scottish newspaper to carry a scented ad. This was no 'scratch and sniff' effort that we may have experienced before. With this ad, for Business Port, the magenta ink in the coffee cup was infused with the smell of coffee. And take my word for it, even a few days afterwards when I received a copy from the good folks of Missing Sock PR.

Business Port wants businesses to ensure that they have the 'right processes, procedures and software in place' and if they don't, they need to... well you can guess the rest. The link is a pretty clear one, but even for the criterion of innovation, or 'first', this is a cracking stunt. A traditional press ad with a twist, gaining significant resultant PR coverage, and an on-board client. Well played all - someone in the P&J's team is full of beans and while presumably the ad didn't Costa lot, it's a good job, representing the cream of press advertising.

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