
By JohnHeuston1

Tie rack

To wear a tie or not wear a tie. It's not something I tie myself in knots over. As a general rule, on a day-to-day basis, I go for the open-necked shirt thing, but a tie is occasionally slung around my neck, dipped under the collar and tied appropriately. Randomly sometimes - the element of surprise - or for certain occasions. Only once or twice have I gone for jeans or even trainers - probable no-nos.

The idea of choosing a tie to wear is more appealing than the actual wearing of it, likewise the shopping for selection. I don't wear a tie of a weekend either. The thought of tux or kilt and going all über-formal I like. I think part of me wants to be Mad Men or Sinatra, joining in when all others are hats and suits, ties and pocket-squares. That sounds more like it. For now though it's a range of ties hanging up and the top collar unbuttoned. My return of Mad Men era men's fashion campaign starts now though.

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