By lizzie_birkett


She is 4 today our Bella!
I didn't get her any toys as she doesn't really play with the ones she's got. I wrapped her treats up but would she open the parcel? Indeed not! Why should she when there are humans to do it for her? 
She brings us such joy, love and fun. She has some funny little ways and is such a creature of habit. She watches me intently when I put her food out to make sure there's a splash of oat milk and a drizzle of Healthier Oil. When I get the oil bottle out she starts licking her lips :-b
If anything is in her bed she won't get in till 'someone' removes it. In someways she is really intelligent and understands so many words and commands - but she will only learn what she wants to. She knows the names of all the birds and animals we see along the canal and can differentiate between them if there is more than one species but ask her to fetch something and she just looks gleekit! (Scot's word)

We went to the house yesterday to do a load of washing and check the garden - I was worried about the lemon tree but it was fine. I pulled out all the dead pansies and dead headed everything and generally tidied up. Had a distance chat with the neighbours and when the washing was done came back to the boat. I know not everyone has a safe place to be and feel very lucky and blessed to be able to isolate on our boat. I was so tired last night I fell asleep during the DVD we were watching and then slept all night.

A drizzly day today but the plants need some rain. Have a nice Sunday ,;-) X

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