
By CosyupwithCathy

Cosy up with Cathy 2.

This is going to be the difficult second meanderings around my brain.
It’s incredible what a difference a good nights sleep makes isn’t it.  For those of you who regularly get their 8 hrs make sure you appreciate it.  
There are lots of people who aren’t quite zombies but we exist in the dark and feed in my case on a diet of Hart to Hart, Gordon Ramsey’s American nightmares and The Chase.  It’s amazing what you learn in the middle of the night.  You can learn all about murderers and injustice.  You can learn what a load of dross there is on television.  You can see snippets of a programme which then comes around again about half an hour later. I may be a Zombie but I’m not a goldfish! The most important lesson is to stay away from the teleshopping.  That ab cruncher which looks like no effort at all and is shown being used by 20 somethings in impossibly small leotards for the ladies and tighter than tight short shorts 
for the men with their ultra glistening toned muscles is an absolute must at only £39.99 per month for the next seventeen years.  They are selling a dream and in most cases putting it in front of your window with feathers attached is probably the nearest thing to catching a dream you will get.
I have tried being cultured and thinking of reading the classics but somehow Tolstoy just isn’t going to cut the mustard.  Mustard was originally made in balls and you cut bits off (I think I must have learned that in the middle of the night).

The picture?  That’s trying solve a seemingly impossible problem with iPhone, iPad and iMac.
Maybe that’s the way to a good nights sleep.
Sweet dreams.  :)

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