
By ayearinthelife

Out in the Street

Just in case I’ve given the impression I only use my bike to ride out to local beauty spots, here it is parked up on a Barrow street.
How it came to be here is due to a combination of factors, all or any of which may mean such an event is unlikely to be repeated any time soon.
Firstly, I’ve put my personal plate on retention, in anticipation of the change of car later this week. As I can’t be bothered changing the insurance details twice in one week, it means my car has to remain on the drive for the time being.
Secondly, the weather is set to change tomorrow. Having said I wanted to get out on the bike more, it would be churlish not to make the most of what might be the last dry day for a while.
Thirdly, I haven’t seen my mate Stuart for a while and the way things are going, we might soon be forbidden from meeting up for some time.
And fourthly, I wanted to check if there had been any progress with the upgrade to my bass. I’ll definitely need the car though, when it is finished, because I don’t fancy riding home with a bass guitar strapped to my back!
Thankfully, living where I do, even a ride out to the metropolis of Barrow passes through some pretty nice countryside on the way. A bit chilly first thing, but reasonably warm on the return journey. Good catch up with Stuart and we even managed a coffee in Costa. We both commented that everywhere seemed generally less busy, and I didn’t see as much traffic as normal. Maybe people are actually starting to listen to the warnings and curtailing their social interactions. Even so, it may be too little too late but hopefully any national restrictions this week will stop short of a full lockdown. As a non drinker myself, I say just shut the pubs until further notice, but appreciate that will affect a lot of people’s livelihoods and could cause irreparable damage to the industry. On the other hand, putting a curfew in place surely just means you start drinking earlier, so doesn’t really solve the problem.
As long as the government listens to the advice which declared gyms to be one of the safest places to go these days, then I’ll be happy to forego visits to friends, family, pubs and coffee shops, if I can still have my workouts!

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