
By ayearinthelife

Nowhere Man

First day for some time when we’ve not been anywhere. Combination of dodgy guts (me), migraine (Mrs C), drizzle (the weather) and crappy news (Boris) just meant that neither of us were inclined to go out.
Spent the day gazing out of the window or watching repeats on Dave. Puzzled to learn that there had been panic buying in some places - we’re not going into lockdown and even if we were, the supermarkets would still be open. Didn’t run out of anything in March and highly unlikely to do so now.
Plenty of food in the house - not that either of us feels like eating at the moment - so shopping can wait until later in the week. Will be strange to see shop assistants in masks though, but I’ve always thought it strange that they didn’t have to start wearing them when it became compulsory for us customers.
Looks like I can still go to the gym, visit my mum and (hopefully) pick up my new car later this week. So the changes announced today should have zero effect on my day to day life! But I really hope they affect others in the sense that it stops them spreading this disease around. I suspect that the next few weeks will determine whether these measures are sufficient or if more drastic action will be required

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