Stately as...

...nine galleons? The magnificent seven Leith cygnets are all still going strong - only six visible here, but one was loitering behind a willow on the right. I didn't see Alf, but his blip where you can see them all (although not necessarily at their most elegant) must have been taken nearby.

I was on my way to assist volunteer colleagues help with more litter picking - mostly both sides of the bank both sides of Junction Bridge which you see in the pic. Homeless people are evidently sleeping there - as we found quite a couple of sleeping bags and quite a bit of clothing hanging up, tucked away in the bushes. Left all the things that might be in use (also a couple of umbrellas!) and just picked up the litter - of which there was remarkably little, considering.

Spent the afternoon assembling photos of my brother to send down to niece, some from recent years on Scottish visits, some from childhood in family albums. Cried buckets.

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