A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Coloured Sign

Typical. I am recovering from being poorly and have a day at home to day to recuperate.

I'll have a nice lie in and then I'll be rested and refreshed, I thought.. Except I woke at 4 and couldn't get back to sleep. I was wide a-bloody-wake club and that was that.

So I gave up and decided I might as well make some tea sand start my day a little early. At 4.45!

But I have got a lot done, including going down to PP while it was still dark to collect Duke, walk him along the track and then bring him back to his country residence for a few days.

I noticed that the council have replaced the broken monochrome sign with this rather garish item, declaring the delights of the beach for all to enjoy.

It's a good job the fauna in question is most-likely colour blind.

Otherwise they'd have been frightened off for sure.

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