
Today's the day ……………………… to join the dots

This is the trench that Vivien and I have been working in for many months now, on the Tongland Abbey Archaeological Dig.

It runs east -west, and in a manner fully compliant with Covid19 precautionary distancing, I have been digging at the west end, while Vivien has been at the east end.  We have both discovered (amid much jubilation!) the drainage channel which would have brought fresh water into the Abbey and ran in an west-east direction also along the length of the trench.  So hopefully, all we have to do now, is join the dots by removing the overburden of other stuff which is at present lying on top.  So exciting!

And there was more excitement today because there was a site visit by a couple of V.I.P.s.  So nice to see you both - thank you very much for coming to see us ………………………………!

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