Fourth Cousins

Today's the day ........................ to visit family

I never got the chance to tell you about something that happened on our way home after the canal trip.

Because we ended up very close to where he now lives, we went to visit my Fourth Cousin, Roger and his wife Nikki.  In case you haven't a clue what that means?! I can tell you that we have two great-great-great-grandparents in common - Archibald and Mary Falconer.  These two were born at the start of the 19th century and lived until the 1880s.  Roger actually has two wonderful paintings of them both which hang on the wall in his house.  I wrote a bit about them in a previous blip.

It was good to see the actual portraits - but even nicer to make the acquaintance of my (4th) cousin ....................... 

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