Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Vegans just like to have pun

Present from Mystic Em. Brilliant. 

Just finished reading The War On Normal People by Andrew Yang. A very good read, he is essentially a businessman turned advocate for regeneration, the creation of social capital, and the concept of a Universal Basic Income. His writing style is pithy but some of his arguments about how bleak America has become (and how much worse it is going to get) do not make for comfortable reading. Automation / AI is set to destroy many existing jobs in everything from truck driving to banking and we haven’t yet come up with ideas about managing the displacement. We know this is coming but aren’t doing anything to support the ordinary citizen through the transition, mainly because we are responding - if at all - with an old fashioned mindset. The book’s title is taken from the view that we are not just  letting the disadvantaged down, we are actively demonising them.:

"The idea that poor people will be irresponsible with their money and squander it seems to be a product of deep-seated biases rather than emblematic of the truth. There is a tendency for rich people to dismiss poor people as weak willed children with no cost discipline. The evidence runs in the other direction. As the Dutch philosopher Rutger Bergman and others put it, poverty is not a lack of character. It’s a lack of cash."

Back at work today. Tiring but routine. Just about managed to get my six thousand steps in. Early night tonight, have an MRI scan tomorrow - none of the other tests have found anything so they are trying this as they have run out of other options. When the neurologists have given up they will refer me to the eye people ... 

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