Morning mist

Went out for a run this morning, it was more of a walk as my ankle injury is back as I've been sitting so much recently.  Lots of walking and running will sort it - and less sitting! 

Worked from home today, lovely to be at home, didn't get as much done as I'd hope... Email has come out from work after the announcement today to say that we shouldn't be working from home (I can, but am expected in the office a couple of days a week) - which goes against the advice that we should all be encouraged to work from home unless we have to be in the office.  

Today I'm grateful for: 
Selling one of the boys old toddler beds on ebay - a lovely lady came to collect it and I gave her an old car seat as well, she was so very grateful and it was nice to help her
Time with the boys this afternoon
The calm and quiet of the house today, it was very nice

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