Natural art.

I hope this photo is ok to post. Xander's teacher took it.
They had been doing natural art outside and this was xander's creation. A person.
He's doing so incredibly well at school and his teacher is in agreement. We had a phone appointment the other day. She has never worked with anyone with autism in her 13 years of teaching. She said that if she hasn't read his notes etc then she wouldn't have guessed.

Today the Jedi has been a little irritable throughout the day. I'm assuming it's his teeth. But I still managed to get a few things done . I made a vegan bean chilli dish in the slow cooker. Mr R doesn't know he's eating jackfruit. It's my first time too and I'll tell him when he's finished his dinner.
I steamed and cleaned the ensuite, hoovered all upstairs, cleaned the wildlings rooms. Did a load of ironing, worked with Harp on her letter recognition. She can recognise up to P and then knows S too . Hoovered and swept downstairs and fed the wildlings in-between. Then when Xander and Lincoln came home we relaxed more. X did some homework on the laptop and Lincoln did some drawing.
After dinner I gave them a early bath and put them to bed. The big boys are still awake upstairs. But it's been so good to have my dinner at a decent time. And now I'm sitting with a gin. :-)

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