
Every time Xander has had homework Lincoln says he wants to do some . So I got a book that encourages writing skills and he did two pages this morning. We need to work on his pencil control but he did really well and followed the line's.

Today I have spent the day with my sister. And as of tomorrow we won't be able to do that. Or see nana and grandad unless it's in their garden or outside. Nana is a cold tattie so the garden visit probably won't happen much.
We were also going to visit my mum as it's her birthday next week. She's seen the jedi once since he's been born. I feel so sad for the people that are on their own . Goodness knows what's going to happen at Christmas time. Especially since Bojo twat Johnson says it could be like this for six months.

Thank you all for your star's and heart's on yesterday's blip. It made the popular page . X

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