Burnham Overy Staithe

This was taken this evening. I’d driven down to the staithe with my book (To the Lighthouse ... yes, really, I’m still reading it). Ironically I was feeling extremely fatigued so I lay down my boxes and realised the only way I was going to rest for a while was to sit in the car. It was a bit distracting watching this loom over and then the lightening, thunder and rain started.

This morning I set too again, feeling pretty tired after being out galavanting all day yesterday. I took a break in proceedings and also advantage of a weather window and cycled over the common and down the bridle path down to Brancaster and then walked the bank (the tide was covering the road) down to the beach where I swam (extra). I indulged in a moment of slightly guilty schadenfreude (extra) as I watched a woman drive with an excessive air of entitlement and sped out of the golf club and started to go through the water but then thought better of it and retreated. Having been sorting through more of dad’s stuff I was reminded of the time when he moved in and was ‘visited’ (aka checked out) and told they would be delighted to welcome him at the golf club/Conservative club. Not his scene. He joined a bunch of proletariats at a small friendly spot down in Dunham. I wandered on thinking about his complex politics and all that it entailed in our lives ... and singing this too myself https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-0skjm-uJSs

Starting to go a bit doolally ... tiring and discombobulating business and I’ve never had 2 weeks off work since my husband died. Time is warping all over the shop and it’s an emotional rollercoaster. I made the mistake of listening to ‘Dear Life’ on the radio this morning which didn’t help. I’m not sure I want to go back even though it’s not quite what you’d call a holiday.

Postscript - after dinner and posting the above, I set too again, this time blitzing the kitchen. I started to panic with all that there is still to do and time suddenly cocertina-ing to the finish line. Shit.

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