How I feel

I am uploading a little earlier today.

Today I stuck three wildlings into the bike trailer and cycled for my flu Jag. We stopped of at a park first for a little play, and then nana and grandad watched the wildlings outside for me while I nipped in to get my shot.
I took Lincoln's bike with me so that he could cycle back . He did well. The other two fell asleep.

Near our home along the cycle path I found a mobile phone. Thankfully it wasn't locked so I scrolled through it and phoned a couple of people. I ended up speaking to the owners daughter and she said her dad had only had it for two days. He phoned later on from his landline and was so thankful. I told him I had arranged for his cleaner to come and pick it up. She was the first person I had called.

I feel really quite tired and yucky . I'm assuming it's from the painkillers I have taken. I've had a sore shoulder for around six months. I will probably get it checked next week.
So I'm hoping Mr R will come home at a decent time so I can make us dinner when the wildlings are in bed and then I can have a early night. If he ends up working late I'll be bad and just get him to have a sandwich for dinner.

Harp has fallen a couple of times today. Once outside the front door. One from rolling off the sofa and one from falling of her chair at the table. She is a little accident prone. She has a wee bruise on her head. She takes after me. I've broken about 10 bone's. That's also including toes .

I also salvaged my icing this morning. Mr R got me more ingredients.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend . Xx

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