Riding lessons for Toby and Eva tonight. Got Tobes some new chaps and boots as he keeps on growing!! Toby did most of his lesson on the lunge to help him with his balance. He's still tipping forward and to the right in trot. He got a bit upset to begin with as Jack wasn't going forward (he hits the brakes when he feels the rider is unbalanced which I'd rather he did than tank off) and he didn't like us sending Jack forward from behind but we got there in the end!! It's so hard to see him struggling with it as I know he's desperate to get it right.

Eva had an amazing lesson - lots of trot transitions and 10m circles in sitting trot. She looked brill. So nice when it all comes together for her.

I've been at work all day. Lots of big dogs and lots of pullers today so I'm aching tonight. Got a busy horsey weekend lined up so need an early one tonight.

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