Nelly cuddles.

Busy day. Hacked out on Buddy with Georgia and Kim. Absolute knob head driver decided to overtake a motorbike that had pulled over to let us passed, basically driving straight at us and forcing Kim's horse onto the verge. We gestured at him to wait and he opened his door to give us a mouthful of abuse before screeching off up the road doing a wheel spin. And he had two young children in the car. Lovely.

Georgia then took Jack over the road for a canter round to settle him ready for tomorrow (Hunter trials). I had a customers dog to walk then we went to walk the course at the Hunter trials we're doing tomorrow. Eek! Glad I'm only doing the pre-novice!

Lots of prep for the rest of the afternoon/evening. Loading stuff into the lorry, tack cleaning, horse cleaning, boot cleaning. Got an early start so etb for me tonight I hope!!

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