
By LifeLines

Northerly wind

The sky on our afternoon dog walk had an interesting layer of clouds.  The blue sky and sunshine makes it look warmer than it was.  At 13 degrees with a stiff northerly wind, it felt quite chilly.

Andy was back to finish off the fence today - a trip to the tip to dispose of the old panels and to fix a wonky gate.  I stayed at home and walked Merlin.  I'd planned to do some training on the long lead but he got spooked by a wasp and so I had to abandon that plan.  I'm not sure if he was stung but later in the afternoon he definitely was and came running in from the garden all upset with the sting still in his back.  Between my pulling and his licking we got it out but it left him quite upset for the rest of the day.

Previously I'd made more tomato chutney.  This time I roasted the tomatoes in the oven and removed a lot of juice before cooking them down with the rest of the ingredient.  The process seemed much better.  And, we have some tasty tomato juice to use as the base for a soup.  The test of the chutney making will be whether the final product is tasty and fit for consumption!

Hoping your day has had some warmth in it, of whatever kind.  Take care and all the best.

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