Camera Shy

By Wildstar

You don't have to have an allotment....

Generosity abounds at the allotment site - only the carrots were pulled from my patch!  The big tidy up continues as the cold weather sets in and final harvest of produce is taking place.  What a gift the allotment site has proved to be in the times we own produce has kept me going and the sharing from neighbours has supplemented my failures and lack of successional planting plan - something to think about for next year.  
As can be seen the site has provided plenty of blip opportunities too...including today's.  Roast dinner tonight at friend's house where I will be cat sitting for a few days.  Have not met cat yet as she is being cared for somewhere else - she's a much travelled cat.  Owner has died and apparently she is friendly and likes to sit on your shoulder. Expect a blip!

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