
Just about to go out of the door to walk Ginny and there was a heavy shower but we didn't have to wait long before it turned to misty drizzle and then the clouds broke up and revealed this brilliant blue sky and sunshine.  Snapped this as a reflection in a cattle trough many of which are scattered around the allotment site for watering purposes.  Some of the older ones are being replaced by new ones which are lower and so Ginny has taken to conducting a taste test of each one as she can manage to jump up and lean over the new low ones.  Most dogs seem to prefer outdoor natural sources of water to the nice clean water bowls provided at home!  Some of them look as if the water is a bit manky so I try to discourage it but like this one the water can look clean and fresh.  Who am I to spoil her fun - she actually looks forward to each one as we approach.

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