An Unlikely Friendship

Gentle breeze this morning, but flat calm in the afternoon and this evening.  Some drizzle showers in the morning, cleared into a sunny afternoon.

Up early, and started on house chores after breakfast.  Big Brian and Madeline popped by for a cuppa in the garden this morning.  Headed out walkies at St Ninian's beach this afternoon, and popped by mam's on the way home.  More walkies with Sammy this evening, and then feet up for the night.

Heading back from the beach, I came across an unlikely set of friends, this collie and cow.  First thought was the dog was rounding up the cows, but I didn't see a farmer, nor hear any dog calls for his instructions.  As I started taking photos, more cows moved in, and he just lay there watching.  Sammy certainly wouldn't be near the cow, he is terrified of them!  Taken below Bigton House, Bigton.  

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