Had a fab day at the Fernie Hunter trials. It's the first time I have ever done one. Georgia, at 12 years old, is an old hand at them so she had two rides- the first on Jack to nurse me round the pre-novice, then on her own horse Jasper in the novice class.

Unfortunately Jack refused the first fence- it was uphill and away from the car park and the other horses and had straw bales 'hidden' behind the fence which I think spooked him at the last minute, but Georgia got after him and other than that they both flew round. It was a lovely flowing course and they soon got into their stride. Me and Buddy struggled to keep up with Jack after a few fences as he really motors on. It was exhausting as I think I forgot to breathe!!

I got up at 5.30am in order to get there on time then our round was over in about 5 minutes!! But it was worth it. I absolutely loved it. So proud of both my boys.

The kids had a fun on a bike ride with M and the Castledines. Good Sunday :0)

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