The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Bob The Builder

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Prince has been working at the breakfast bar in the kitchen since the start of lockdown. As it doesn’t look like he’ll be office based any time soon, we decided that we would have to get another desk because:

1. Working in the kitchen is driving The Prince crazy
2. The Prince working in the kitchen is driving me crazy*

So that was how we found ourselves at the gates of hell this morning.

Or IKEA, as it is less commonly known.

There we were at opening time feeling very organised. As were the 200 people ahead of us in the queue**.

As we stood there waiting, I had the horrible feeling that someone was taking a photo which would go viral with #failingatlife.

We made it out of there unscathed and I had a very productive afternoon building a desk, chair and filing cabinet. I explained to The Prince that I did not require his help and bared my teeth slightly just to make sure he understood. We may have had a few ‘frank’ discussions over rounded screws during our time together. I love The Prince but I definitely did not marry him for his DIY skills!

The Prince will now have peace to work without anyone wandering in during zoom meetings and I can use the kitchen on my days off. Much better!


*mainly 2

**Did people do this before the pandemic or is it an new thing?

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