
By Missycat

Day 191 Dripping

We woke to welcome rain this morning, which refreshed the the garden and gave me the chance to get a few droplet shots for today's Tiny Tuesday.  The rain had cleared by this afternoon and The Son was able to accompany me to Violet's school for the pick up.  We can't park very near so I did the driving and he did the walking as my back and hip  are still too painful to walk with any purpose.
I did have a long chat this morning with the Nurse Practitioner from my GP surgery, a prearranged telephone consultation booked as an asthma review but she was happy to discuss the back/hip joint  problem.  Apparently I could have an NHS physio appointment but not till next week and and it would be virtual, not face to face,  I declined the offer.  I think that a chiropractor may be the way to go and hope that they are actually seeing their patients for face to face appointments.

In other news: the local lockdowns continue, increasing in number and complexity to the point where ministers and even the Prime Minister don't have a handle on what you can and can't do in certain areas.  Although apparently the PM didn't get it wrong but rather 'misspoke'.  I'll add that to my list  of useful get outs.
Many thanks to MaryElizaR for hosting TT.

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