A Tall Chapel

As we don't have any mountains in Northleach I decided I would probably post an image of the church tower for the Wide Wednesday Tall theme. On our way to post a birthday card though I saw this old converted chapel which I liked. It was definitely tall and let's face it I have posted a lot of images of the church in the past.

Walking back in the rain I also saw a squirrel (I never see any in Northleach normally), a kingfisher (I was amazed to see one and too slow with the camera of course) and (I think) the plumber who we had originally expected to fit our en suite, before he got too busy after the lockdown. Then I had an encounter with a large tractor in a narrow lane (Helen's ditch actually) but I survived.

Hopefully tomorrow mrsfb will have her pre-op appointments for her hip surgery in mid October. We will then be self isolating indoors so there won't be any outside blip opportunities for a while. I think I will take a break from blip while we are stuck inside and through the (we hope) surgery period. Of course it could all still be postponed but we shall see.

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