
By HarryJ

First time voting

...well, by mail I mean.
After all the kerfuffle that a certain DT has raised about voting by mail, when an election in BC was called I thought I'd try it out.
I had to apply to get a mail in ballot, giving a piece of information that only gov't employees should be able to check. 
A few days later, the mail in ballot arrived. BC will most certainly be short a few million trees if everyone votes by mail, the amount of paper is, well, put it this way, if they had to pay for a stamp, they certainly wouldn't do it this way.
After filling in a couple of boxes, and filling in the party I wish to vote for, it had to go into a security sleeve,  which then had to go into another envelope, then that envelope went into yet another envelope, and then I had to sign the envelope to say that I personally put it in the envelope and sealed it. 
Pheww! It might have been easier to go to a polling station.
But as far as that buffoon DT is concerned, I don't know why he is allowed to get away with telling as many bare faced lies as he does. If the US mail in ballot is anything like Canada's, he couldn't be farther from the truth

Ah well...rant against DT over...

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