Roly's Life

By Roly


In grotty weather I drove us to Derriford, via McDonald’s and got there in perfect time for my 12 noon appointment. No biopsy results, just a review with a new Dr and a student to discuss what’s happened so far and what might happen next! Oh and more blood tests.

The next planned appointment is a phone call on 9th November, I asked if heating nothing before then could be nice news is good news’ but apparently that might not be true as he might phone before then with good news...

Straight home - although we did spot Falmike and ClareClare heading the opposite way in Betty on the outskirts of Plymouth, small world!

At 3.15 a phone call with the bank to open an account for Smallest. The poor woman had to read all of the terms out to us, including a huge section about overdrafts that finishes with words to the effect of ‘overdrafts are not available to under 18s’. Apparently they’ve asked if they can miss out this section when opening under 19 accounts but no.

This was followed by an unexpected delivery of free wood for our fire from a Scouting contact. Apparently there’s at least one more load to follow. To celebrate I have lit an early fire while a MrRoly and Smallest make their return to face to face scouting.

Happy Friday :-D

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