Roly's Life

By Roly

Storm Alex

We woke to the sound of The Boy coughing. He’s had a cold for a day or 2 but he’s now got a temperature and a cough. A cough that is leaving him breathless. So we rang NHS111 who unsurprisingly said that although it could be a cold, he needed a Covid-19 test. Amazingly when I went in to book there were 236 slots available for today at the testing station up the road!

MrRoly told Morrison’s he wouldn’t be in tomorrow morning and decided to start trimming what’s left of the hugely overgrown hedge between us and next door before Storm Alex arrived.

The evening was spent hunkering down and catching up on Ghosts, Extra Slice and Goggkebox with a roaring fire instead of attending my eagerly anticipated Gin Club. It’s certainly never dull!

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