Day 200 - Shower Saga

It started OK but soon went wrong.  Went to have my shower and wash my hair - shower trickled out and stopped - KG did some adjustments and we got it going not a fantastic flow but it was warm and then full flow and freezing cold - managed to get some heat in it so finished my shower.  KG then decided he would look at the  pipes behind and changed one of them for a bigger flow.  Then we had to adjust the temperature - well we took off a part we needn't of and then couldn't reassemble it.  Hours later we managed to get it back and all tightened up again.  So while all this was going on. I did not think of my blip and just having made pasties for tea thought well it was a shower saga day so you have my shower rose  certainly an EB
Today the weather was dire and it has rained all day and so dark the lights have been on early

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