Day 201 - Bunnies and the Wise Man

The shower worked fine this morning – hurray.  Fancied a roast dinner at lunchtime so Roast Chicken Stuffing Roast potatoes , carrots and swede, parsnips and broccoli.
Had surprise visitors this afternoon – no 2 daughter asked if we had any wwii stuff as number 1 granddaughter was doing show and tell at school  Love to see them socially distanced and so hard not to give them a cuddle
The bunnies were very despondent today it hadn’t stopped raining and they were fed up with the grey skies.
Bossy Boot said he knew a wise man he lived a long way away but we could go and ask him when it is going to stop raining.
They were all in agreement and set off early.  They saw him from afar and  Benji said he is so big and so wise will we  be OK?
Yes said Brenda  bravely – we will be fine.
They approached the Wise Man who looked down at them and he said I am bored.
Oh said Bossy Boots we have a very important  question for you.
What said the wise man do tell
They said we are bored of all this rain when is it going to stop?
Ah said the Wise Man (as we know he was Homer Simpson not the brightest crayon)
I don’t know said Homer  but I got up yesterday!!
Would you like some cakes he asked and the bunnies forgot they were scared and climbed up to get some cakes!!
So the bunnies still don’t know when it is going to stop raining and come to that  either do I!
Another wet day
For Admirer for Silly Saturday she would love that we are still doing Silly Saturday

Thanks to DavidC for hosting 

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