
By DramaQueen

Don’t make me angry

I came out of work this evening to find this note on my car. I knew full well who had put it there.

Hulk mode was immediately activated and a stern ‘I pay my road tax, so I will park where I like’ note was left on her car in reply.

The irony in all of this was the fact she was illegally parked (blocking a back alley way) while I was in ‘her’ space.

She’s a petty woman and this isn’t the first time she’s taken to putting notes on our cars. She’s also fond of blocking us in then peeping out of her window to watch as we struggle to manoeuvre out of the non existent gap. One time she came out to accuse my colleague of bumping her car while she was trying to get out of the space; that didn’t end well and she was sent packing with a flea a lot of expletives in her ear!

I hope she was peeping today as I rather dramatically (I am DQ after all) stood in front of my car/her house and ripped the note in half.

Will I park there again. Most definitely yes if there’s nowhere outside work.
Will I be as polite with the note next time. Absobloodylutely not! :-[

DQ x

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