
By DramaQueen

Just do it

Today was my first session back at the gym.
As much as I hate gyms, I know it’s for my own good and the more I can work on building back strength in my leg and flexibility in my ankle, the better the prognosis for the future.

I saw a quote on Facebook yesterday that said ‘if you don’t make time for your wellness, you will be forced to make time for your illness’ and that really struck a chord with me.

I didn’t want to overdo it on the first session, so only did about 40 minutes and stuck to the equipment that I’ve used with the physio. I did a warm up and cool down on the arc trainer (a lower impact version of a cross trainer), 20 minutes on the cross trainer on the interval setting (to vary resistance) and built up reps with increasing weight on the leg press.
The aim for the leg press is to be able to press the same weight with both legs individually, which will take time but I know I can do it.
There’s was a definite ‘squeeeee’ moment though every time I increased the weight and pushed through my left leg.

I’m going to go again tomorrow, maybe just the treadmill for an inclined walk though.

Tonight I’ve got a date with another man! His name’s Bond. James Bond.
Laura and Steve are letting me third wheel (because Mr A is away and Bond is his idea of hell) so we are going for a meal before the movie. It’s nice to not be on my own for the night and we’ve been waiting ages to see it; hopefully it will be worth the wait! ;-)

DQ x

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