A brilliant first day back in St Ives

What a lovely first day back in St Ives we have had.

First thing this morning I only went for a little play in the field because after my breakfast, I went on a long walk with Ozzy, the golden retriever (who was Molly's boyfriend). We walked to Ozzy's house via Porthminster Beach which was just fabulous. Isn't it great that us doggies are allowed back on all the beaches again?

Ozzy's an old boy now. He's 13 years old so the initial bit of our walk (which was up a hill) was a bit of a struggle for him. And also he didn't really want to play with me. But that was OK 'cos I'd already had a really nice run about on the beach.

The problem arose when we reached 'Cafe 54' (in this BLIP) and the humans wanted to stop for a coffee. Ozzy immediately just lay down in 'good dog mode'. …...............I didn't!!!!! Honestly it was like I'd had a personality implant???? …...........I was hyper, I was annoying, I was trying to jump on the seats, I was constantly jumping up at Margaret (Ozzy's owner) and I kept trying to eat Margaret's granola bar. Ann told Margaret I was usually very well behaved when I went out. Mmmmmmm............... it was obviously Margaret didn't believe that I had any manners at all???

Anyway, after being out for more than three hours, I was more than happy to have snooze time this afternoon while Ann went out eating and drinking with friends. I've been out to play in the field a couple of times more but to be honest, my first full day back in St Ives has worn me out. My dinner has been out for me since 6pm but I'm more than happy to have snooze time.


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