Snow shoes
After consuming the remaining two Empire (sic) Biscuits I felt compelled to walk to the gym for a swim. The rain was relentless, and I dressed for wet weather walking including boots. I had carefully cleaned said boots following a hill walk a few days ago, however I had been over zealous with the washing up liquid. By the time I reached Newlands Park I was oozing foam (where the blip was taken). By the time I reached Nuffield, and after several attempts to swill the suds away in various puddles, which had the opposite intended effect I was foaming like a car wash, and absurdly self conscious. As if anyone cared or noticed.
Seven out of ten for swim enjoyment and six out of ten for swim technique – an improvement on both measures from Sunday. Late afternoon is good time to go and I had the lane to myself for most of the time.
The extra blip is a cheat, not taken by me. I just adore Islay as a seadog, her first trip in a rib in Gairloch – where we should be along with L’s parents if it were not for this pestilential turn of events.
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