
So I'm half way through a six-week portraiture class and this snapshot is of a couple of my classmates when we went out for a mini-shoot at the end of the class tonight.

And, as with every class I've taken, I become more and more doubtful about my own skills (and more critical about what I see that passes for photography too...). It's a tough bar to meet when you look at what some of the great masters have done.

Sometimes though, I also wonder whether something passes for art because the person is already famous as some of the images have me really perplexed. Reminds me of some painter (whose name I forget) who was on show in a Paris gallery and whose work consisted entirely of blank white canvasses with just a tiny spot of color on each of the canvasses. Il fallait y penser as they say back home... ;

ps: thank you all for your feedback on the filter for yesterday's picture; my instructor had the same reaction of y'all had. I think I'll save for 'non-people' images :))

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