Natural Hysteria

We, that is The Boss, Bossess and ME spotted these little guys out walking the other night and The Bossess remarked that they might have been brought on by the recent rain fall. They are about 5 cm tall and were nestled under the Kanuka bushes that line the Millennium track to Waterfall creek but as The Boss only had his phone and The Bossess was not keen that I played with them we walked on.

So tonight when The Boss and ME came by he thought he should at least have a go and see if he could get in Paladian's good books for at least trying. The Boss tied me to a fence while he got down and dirty and attacked by a passing cloud of sandflies. Funny he has always been suspicious of the Cloud and this just confirmed his fears so the photography proceeded with "Slap Stops" as he tried to hold everything still (probably not completely successfully)

Careful research revealed that they are Psilocybe Egcartanious and fairly rare in this area so you will probably never see them again.

The Bossess was concerned that they may be the poisonous sort but I think you could eat them with your bacon and eggs if you were desperate but it may be hard going given that they were made out of egg carton epoxied to little sticks and gaily painted no doubt by a Natural Hysteria enthusiast.

No you certainly do not want bigger. Trust me on this!

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