Arty Fartnarkeling
Was whizzing through the scanned files on my laptop, from yesterday's clutter-clearing, when I opened in Photoshop the print of a lino-cut I'd done decades ago.
One hour later, I came up for air and noticed it was 3 minutes to 2, so I've now whizzed round the house to get my fitbit steps in. Phew! Now to post what I spent the last hour doing - playing with my linoprint - such fun! No whizzing involved in that. It's not great art, but it's relaxing and fun. And this is the only blue sky we're likely to see this weekend. It's pouring now, as well as blowing a gale.
Earlier I did half-an-hour's gardening, in the cold wind, but before the rain. Thinned out the greenery in the pond, though may need to take out more another day. Swept up oodles of leaves, and deadheaded the cosmos and marigolds. That scored no active minutes on my fitbit. Seems only walking does that. Not that I particularly count on Saturdays and Sundays, but it is a good way of making sure I don't sit too long at a time, and thus avoid sciatica (which as long as I move I don't seem to get now). Next on my list is baking a cake, before embarking on late lunch preparations.
Thank you so much for the nice comments and starry stuff on my yesterblip. Much appreciated. Enjoy the rest of the weekend, blipmates!
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