Wednesday's painting...

... Painting for today - I had a play with iPastel app. The free version. It is a little old fashioned, but I like the way it is set out with the colour palettes. I did find something that showed you a complementary colour, then I couldn't find it again. I am a bit tired now, because I went somewhere this morning (in Wales) where there are two new shops open (that I used to cross the border into England for), and they are literally warehouse sized. Although I am on my mobility scooter, I reckon it'll need a service after trawling up and down all those aisles. And I need a sleep...

So this is only a play of a few minutes. I am tired...I will try better next time in iPastel. Probably you can gets these effects (With a few more bells and whistles) in the other painting apps I have, but I liked the simplicity of iPastel.

Cat has been chucked in potting shed to sunbathe in there, while I have all outside doors and windows open in my bungalow for an airing, and now a well deserved nap for me......

I will try and catch up comments and replies and your blogs when I wake up...

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