A Visit to Johnston Gardens

During a busy day with this and that I found time time to make a visit to Johnston Gardens. It was bright and very sunny at the time. Although it looks all tranquil in the lake in the photograph, at other times there was a massive flurry of activity. I am not sure what was happening in the duck world, but something was.

Maybe it is the start of the mating season. All of a sudden one or two ducks, possibly boys, would start flying around just above the surface of the water, all the others would disappear underwater, as though trying to hide from the few creating all the chaos. At first I thought it was bath time, but there was definitely more to it than that.

I could not take a picture of these moments of frenzied activity as nearly everybody disappeared under the surface. Only the mandarine duck I photographed a few weeks ago seemed immune to it all. Though even he kept out of the way to the far side of the pond, out of the way.

As for myself after this flurry of activity in the park I continued my day.

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