
By DramaQueen

Shouldering on

I’m in the wars.

I’ve been struggling for a few weeks now with my left shoulder. Going back to work hasn’t helped me at all but I appreciate I’m more fortunate than many others who’s jobs haven’t survived the pandemic.

On Monday, I had to leave work after I’d seen my first patient; I completed his treatment with tears streaming down my face, I was in so much pain! I’m a tough old bird but just had to admit defeat this time. When you can’t hold a mirror in your hand you know something ain’t right though good job it’s not my drilling hand!

For about 8 weeks now, I’ve been unable to lift my arm fully; I can’t shave my armpit properlyand there’s no way I can reach my arm round to unfasten my bra anymore, it just won’t go!

Although I’ve been going for physio, this hasn’t made the slightest bit of difference; I’d say it’s made things worse! I self diagnosed a rotator cuff problem (as I’ve had similar problems before) but the physio didn’t disagree with me and treated me accordingly. All the exercises were to aid rotator cuff mobility.

At Mr A’s suggestion, I sought the help of a chiropractor but getting an appointment proved to be as difficult as getting a dental appointment as most places were playing catch up with their regular patients after lockdown.

Luckily, I found a guy who works mobile so he came to see me at home today which was so much easier though he did walk mud into my freshly cleaned carpet!!.

After a thorough assessment, he said my rotator cuff isn’t the issue; I have a trapped vessel in my shoulder, plus a twisted rib (5th on the left) and a couple of vertebrae out of alignment. Not much at all then!

He twisted me like a pretzel at one point but the worst part of all was when he jerked my arm. The audible crack and accompanying painful shock was incredible, but felt so good afterwards!

He’s said it will take a few days for things to start really improving (though the range of movement is a bit better already) and has arranged to come and see me again next week. I can’t wait :-/

DQ x

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