Wool Week Parcels

Another breezy day, mostly cloudy, some sunny spells and a sunny short evening.  

Another day working in the museum.  A quiet morning, but it soon picked up to a steady new busy day.  Forgot some things from work, so walkies with Sammy was in 'Da Toon' this evening.  My last shift in the pub tonight, and then doors closed, as instructed by the Scottish Government.  Nicola Sturgeon has stated there could be light at the end of the tunnel, and ease her current restrictions, fingers crossed, our hospitality industry needs it! 

Shetland Wool Week was cancelled, due to Covid-19, but there has been online events, and still a mini buzz with it.  Behind the scenes has been as busy as usual, with the merchandise and annual still going ahead, and orders going crazy.  The lasses have been busy for the last week, especially this last few days, packing up orders, ready for shipping.  Almost feels like an Amazon sorting office.  Ailish Parham and Katrina Semple busy in the foreground, and Kaye Riise at the back.  Taken in the Shetland Museum auditorium, Hay's Dock, Lerwick.  

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